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Shakira B. (Team Halle B.)

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Team Halle B.

Kindermourn has been a guiding light, offering us comfort and support when we needed it most. They believe that no one should face loss alone, and they welcomed us with open arms, providing understanding and a community of caring.

Their annual event, "Hope Floats," is a beautiful symbol of resilience. People from all backgrounds gather to adopt rubber ducks, each one representing a ray of hope in the face of grief. The funds raised from this event are crucial for Kindermourn's work in helping families like ours cope with loss and find healing.

For us, Kindermourn became a safe haven, where our pain was acknowledged and our memories cherished. Their commitment to healing not only brought us comfort but also showed us the way forward, towards strength and resilience.

As we remember our daughter, Halle, we are grateful for Kindermourn's support. Every rubber duck adopted and every tear shed in remembrance contributes to their mission of spreading comfort and compassion to others navigating the difficult journey of grief. Today, we are a testament to the transformative power of love and community that Kindermourn embodies.

What Your Ducks Can Do:


A Six Quack (6) - $30

Provides a week's worth of snacks and drinks, offered to all children and teens who visit the KinderMourn home for counseling


The Lucky Dozen (13) - $65

Provides one counseling session for a newly bereaved parent grieving the loss of a child at any age or from any cause


The Whole Raft (20) - $100

Provides one counseling group session with professional KinderMourn counselors for teens grieving the loss of a loved one


Super Flock (50) - $250

Provides counseling with KinderMourn clinical staff to school communities, employers, churches, etc. after a tragic or unexpected death


Thank you for adopting ducks and supporting KinderMourn!