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Erin B. (Team Harper's Hopefuls)

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Harper's Hopefuls


Our beautiful second daughter, Harper Banks was born on October 7th, 2022 and spent 8 days with us before letting us know she needed to move on. The shock, grief, and trauma has been overwhelming and difficult to navigate but we have found a second home at KinderMourn. This organization is lifesaving for families that have suffered the out of order, traumatic loss of their perfect baby. We are so grateful to have such a beautiful organization in our community to serve families like ours.

Despite the heartache we feel every moment of the day, we want to make sure we are honoring our sweet girl and the beauty and joy that she has brought to our lives. We miss her so very much but are so proud of her and will continue celebrating her life.

Please join us in honoring sweet Harper and all of the babies that have gone too soon by adopting a duck (or a lot of ducks!). Your support will help so many families that find themselves in this heartbreaking reality.

KinderMourn provides hope for bereaved parents, grieving children and teens by offering support and counseling programs, creating awareness of bereavement issues and empowering the community to effectively assist those who have suffered an unthinkable loss.

By adopting ducks, you help children, adults, and families in our community navigate the maze of loss and bereavement. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

Erin, Chris & Riley