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Ruth Bader Gins-Bird

Ruth Bader Gins-bird AFFIRMS you adopting ducks to help girls!
Get Involved:
Adopt a Duck Now
Ruth Bader Gins-Bird

Team Ruth Bader Gins-Bird is back!

Pace is an amazing organization that provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training, and advocacy.

Adopt a lot of Ducks... Help GIRLS!

Want to learn more about Pace? Visit our website at
or visit Pace Manatee's Facebook Page:

The event will be live streamed with more details closer to
race day on May 13, 2023 at Caddy's Bradenton!

Adopt a duck and cheer
your own Ruth Baden Gins-bird on with your friends,
family, kids, fur babies, or other rubber duckies!

Team Members

Team Member Num Adopted Goal Adoptions
Kelly R.
Kelly R.
0 100