Teeny Tiny Turtles on the Tar

Adopt a Turtle Change A Life!
Adopt a Turtle Now!

Get ready for an unforgettable event! It’s that time of year again when The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tar River Region release thousands of tiny rubber turtles into the Tar River for our 4th Annual Turtle Race.

Our mission is clear: to rally together and ensure every one of these 2,000 turtles finds a home through adoption. And that’s where you come in!

Every turtle adoption supports over 1,800 youth in the Twin Counties, helping us nurture their potential and shape a brighter future.

On race day, these turtles will cascade from the Peachtree Street Bridge at Rocky Mount Mills, symbolizing our commitment to our children's dreams—no turtles harmed, just hearts uplifted!

This isn’t merely a race of rubber turtles; it’s a testament to our dedication to the next generation. Join us in this exhilarating journey filled with hope, determination, and community spirit.

Together, let’s overcome every hurdle and ensure our children triumph. We’re ready for the challenge—join us and make a difference today!
