Friday, May 31, 2024| 5:30 PM | Jungle Rapids, Wilmington, NC

The 9th Anniversary Coastal Duck Derby will benefit
Coastal Horizons' Crisis Intervention Services:
Open House Youth Shelter is a 24-hour, 9-bed facility that is committed to improving the safety and wellbeing of abused and/or neglected at-risk youth (ages 6 through 18) who are in need of a safe place to stay. While meeting the basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter, Open House encourages youths’ personal growth through counseling services, vocational/educational and life skill building activities, and recreational activities.
The Open House Transitional Living Program (TLP) is a Family and Youth Services Bureau funded program, and the only one of its kind in Wilmington, NC! The TLP is a safe, stable housing program that provides supportive services to help young people, ages 16-21, work toward self-sufficient, independent living. Participants receive monthly rental assistance for up to 12 months, aide in attaining employment and/or education, weekly meetings with the case manager to support individual goals, life skills classes and so much more. A participant may remain in the program for up to 12 months and receive 90 to 365 days of aftercare services.
Open House Maternity Housing Program is a voluntary program that supports homeless pregnant and/or parenting young people who are between the ages of 16-21 years old, as well as their dependent children. Services include, but are not limited to, monthly rental assistance, parenting skills, life skills programming, and weekly case management.
The Rape Crisis Center (RCC) is the only stand-alone rape crisis center in SE North Carolina, serving New Hanover, Brunswick, Duplin and Pender Counties. RCC provides 24-hour response to victims via the hotline and in person at hospital emergency rooms and also provide criminal justice advocacy for victims, offering support through law enforcement interviews, meetings with the district attorney’s office, and throughout the duration of any criminal or civil court proceeding. Additionally, the RCC provides free individual therapy and weekly support groups for survivors who would not otherwise have access to these services due to barriers such as being uninsured or having a high co-pay. The RCC staff also work to prevent sexual violence from happening via school-based prevention programming and free community workshops.
All services provided by Crisis Intervention Services are confidential and are provided at no cost to the individuals or their families.