Ally’s Wish, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, specifically the sole purpose of Ally’s Wish is to provide a last “wish” to young, terminally ill mothers with small children. We hope to provide a memory for the family that will last a lifetime. Our goal is to do this by providing services, gifts, transportation, lodging, or any other “wish” the mother may have. We will provide this through fundraising and donations given through Ally’s Wish, Inc. Ally’s Wish is a 501c3 approved organization.
Thank you so much for your support.
Cross Timbers Rotary Club is hosting the 7th Annual Rhythms at the River Walk in Flower Mound on September 21st from 10:00am – 2:00pm. This free, family-friendly event includes food trucks, live music, vendor booths and activities for the kids.
At 1:00pm, a record setting 30,000 rubber ducks will race down the river. Come join us for a fun-filled family event!
The first lucky duck to cross the finish line wins a $2,500 gift card with more prizes through tenth place.
Adopt A Duck! Change A Life!
Thank you again for supporting Ally's Wish and we hope to see you at the event!